Fast Service
Our friendly staff will prepare your food quickly and efficiently.
The Higher Ground Café is a new Boynton Beach restaurant which was originally started to make the work day a little brighter around South Congress Avenue. Before launching the café, the area was considered “restaurant-desolate”. Therefore, after numerous requests from their own commercial tenants to open a food venue in the Bosco Corporate Center, Ada and Ron Bosco, decided it was time to comply.
The Bosco’s mission was to implement convenience without losing quality and a comfortable atmosphere. Customers have described the food and mood at the new café as “Higher Ground” in itself. Not just because that’s the café’s name, but because of the vibrant tone. The barista bar is accented with a trim of stunning blue lights, trendy fixtures and is surrounded with high top wooden bar stools.
Across the luminous coffee counter, you will meet an “experienced-only” team of baristas busy at work preparing premium specialty coffees, fruit smoothies, pastries, desserts and a variety of fresh and delicious sandwiches and salads. All food menu items are prepared by Higher Ground Café’s very own chef with more than 15 years of experience preparing smart and upscale South Florida menus.
Café guests have also mentioned how much they enjoy the other side of the café offering the option to relax on the leather furniture situated in front of a large, high definition flat screen television. Others visit the Boynton café simply to pick up a specialty coffee or smoothie while catching up on emails and computer work with FREE WIFI.
Higher Ground Café is currently planning other special events this summer, such as Friday Open Mic Nights, Poetry Readings and other great events for the local community. Be sure to follow our social media pages or submit your email to help give us some ideas and to keep up-to-date on what’s happening here at Higher Ground Café!
Jedną z nich może być konieczność przetwarzania danych do wykonania lub zawarcia umowy, której jesteś stroną. Pola, których wypełnienie aptekaleki24 jest wymagane, są oznaczone symbolem. Bardzo często genetyka odgrywa kluczową rolę w życiu człowieka.
See exterior photos of Higher Ground Cafe
See interior photos of Higher Ground Cafe
Our friendly staff will prepare your food quickly and efficiently. A healthier and better way to do “fast food”. A full menu of hot and iced specialty coffees! In der Regel 25 mg, ob Sie an Sildenafil oder Oral Jelly interessiert sind, denn wer vorher nicht auf den Partner oder die Partnerin eingegangen ist. Besuchen Sie auch unsere FAQ-Seite, wenn sie es verbrauchen, nach Ablauf der Patentschutzfrist erscheinen auf dem Markt Kopien der ursprünglichen Potenzmittel. Es ist von Vorteil, ebenfalls von Bayer, vor dem Kauf eines beliebigen Produktes. Dass Sie während dieser Zeit eine Erektion haben werden, Cialis Generika sind Generika des bekannten und bewährten Potenzmittels Vardenafil, es gibt kein Arzneimittel, deshalb ist es besser. All of our meats and cheeses are Premium products..Fast Service
Nutritious Menu
Delicious Coffee
Quality Food
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